Junkoload Me

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Sportive Jog, Lame in studies. A good listener and wants the world to realise what is peace and all of those starts with a Smile. From the support of all my friends and of course for one special girl I've wished for to be with for eternal life


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Today Going back to my home town...
eat breakfast at maluri...
then my father drive through a lorong...
then i saw a clearing stock on sale...
selling sportswear....
Its very cheap so i bought...
2 jersey for 16 bucks...
and a shoe(futsal shoes)The shoe(line7)

after that i went to my grandparents place...
and did funny things when my parents took photo of the place...
and heres what we did at the window of the house...
I see what you did there(from left my sis, me , my brother)

And this is also my study table when we were there...The study table....

Anyway i got back just in time to celebrate merdeka tomorrow..

Sherlock Holmes

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