Junkoload Me

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Sportive Jog, Lame in studies. A good listener and wants the world to realise what is peace and all of those starts with a Smile. From the support of all my friends and of course for one special girl I've wished for to be with for eternal life


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2 Movies In 1 day WOOT!

At 2 oclock me and my sister watched district 9...
Was a Nice movie...
very Sad also...
i feel very sad on the main character...
Cause his suffer to get heal from his alien infection..
but did not in the end...

Well the next stop is UP from disney and pixar...
was a fun movie....
and a moving one...
there is Russell...
Small and tiny Fat kid...
Kinda Cute...
It was a happy ending unlike district 9...

LOL 2 Movies in a day straight!!!
i push my limits...
And still going on!!

Rhiam L.Y.K

Sherlock Holmes

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