Junkoload Me

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Sportive Jog, Lame in studies. A good listener and wants the world to realise what is peace and all of those starts with a Smile. From the support of all my friends and of course for one special girl I've wished for to be with for eternal life


Blog Archive

World cup Fever?

Sick Fever
Thats why its called world cup fever
People get sick watching them
Like me its so boring gosh
Bringing myself to watch lame matches
which can be better at some point

just playing drag time
so boring at times
I play la haha
Yikern number 9
Wearing Total 90 or Tiempo
sure can do better XD

well thats me =D

Cpl.Kern9 OscarMike out..*beep*

Sherlock Holmes

Click Cboz

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