Today Is the last day for Chen Yeung to be in Selangor...
Cause he is going to Cameron highlands...
to work..
So today we ask him out...
For the last day at selangor...
(don't worry he is coming back)
(Just tell you like a story)
So we went to TS together..
We can't watch movies..
Cause 90% of the movies all 18 above...
Why Hollywood treat us so bad 1...
So anyway, we pass the movies..
we went to Bowling instead..
I purposely let Cy win..
Just give him face =D..
But when he come my house...
Play XboX360..
Where can give face de...
Sure Sapu him la...
May You Be Happy Chen Yeung..
Enjoy Cameron highlands..
We will all Miss you..
Live long And Prosper
All the best to you my friend..
Kern out..*Beep*